why does this trigger a deep sense of dread in me, its just a monkey puppet!
why does this trigger a deep sense of dread in me, its just a monkey puppet!
The entire time I was drawing this I felt like he was going to sneak into my room and tap my shoulder. He is a terrifying specimen
Your art can be described as diseased
its a product of having to be badass all day for my whole life, enough to drive any man mad
Oh hey this looks coo-
It's image reduced to 20%. Cubes are also made in Alight Motion. You're welcome 😁
You make some really good simplistic backgrounds, I like it.
Your artstyle is something to behold!
thank you so much dude!
you really need a frontpage man, this NEEDS to be seen more!
apreciate it<3
"(No Description Provided to Ensure Maximum Confusion from the Viewer)"
Judging by the past sense of "Loved him"
im guessin somethin happened to the donut.
I'll give you 3 guesses as to what the obese lady did to the donut...
*godzilla scream*
Now I have this sound in my mind after reading this XD
Chrombus Time X3
A mighty christmas explosion!
It's mandatory with Darnell :D
Glad you liked it!
Draws miscellaneous stuff.
Strawpage : http://myceli0m.straw.page
the sound of gravel
Joined on 12/24/23