thats alot of polygons
thats alot of polygons
About 100K polys. Nothing but the best for sweet little Wormoliana!
Also, this was just a one-off render, it's hard to optimize if you're not specifically optimizing for using the animation for a game or animation later on. It's cool that my phone can handle this many polygons without exploding, though.
g o o b l e
Holy shit man you're gettin powerfull!
need more power!
Who would win?
An evil sourceress who can raise an army of dead to take over villages
one boney man
I bet the bone.
This is the purest representation of what being an artist feels like.
It was the only way i felt i could represent it.
spiders are REALLY missunderstood.
Theyre cool as hell!
Theyre natures trash bins that eat away the trash, those bein flies or mosquitos
I feel you and I agree on everything. They are my favourite arthropods. I want to get a tarantula in future. In the past I kept a Hogna radiata (female and male but I kept them separately) and it was fun taking care of them. The female was calm but short-tempered if you handled her too much, while the male was shy but very calm. You could keep him on your hand and he chilled very nicely. I miss them.
haha goober
How could you say that.... He is a wanted mass murderer who has killed countless ghosts in cold blood...
very surrealist
He doesn't even have the correct number of legs! What is this made in, an earlier version of MidJourney AI?
(Just in case: I did not use AI when making this, it's just a joke. I made the 3D mesh in SDF Modeling app Plastic, then retopologized, textured and lit in Nomad--the sculpting app.)
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn
Very good, my disciple. Very good!
holy shit alien real!!!!!4!
Draws miscellaneous stuff.
Strawpage :
the sound of gravel
Joined on 12/24/23